Site security


Are your customers safe?

We can provide patrol officers to patrol your parking lots to help cut down on vehicle breakins, muggings, all while providing the feeling of safety. Especially during holiday hours when the risk of your customers being robbed is high. If they feel safe they will shop with you and tell their friends too.

Some retail businesses selling luxury or high-cost goods such as jewelry hire our security officers to protect against theft and provide greater security for employees and customers. You may only need site security for a one-time event or during high season.  We can provide you with an officer no matter what your needs may be. 

Other retail businesses require security officers to help protect their customers, employees and merchandise on a regular basis.  Our officers can watch your cameras, roam around your business, we can do both uniformed or plainclothes to help with theft prevention.  We can provide security outside during the open hours or closed hour patrols.  Whatever your needs are.

Recently, we provided security for a big electronic franchise while they were awaiting repair on their alarm system.  Our officer made regular patrols around the building on foot as well as in the vehicle.  He maintained watch during their closed hours and left only after being relieved by a manager.  This allowed the company a chance to have their alarm fixed while not worrying about their store being broke into. 

We have also provided officers for fire watch.  If you have a fire system that is required by either your local fire marshal or your insurance company and it is disabled for some reason, a fire watch might be required.  During a fire watch someone must patrol the inside of the business checking for any sparks or potential fires.  These checks must be performed a minimum of every hour with documentation they have been performed.  This can be a serious requirement as fire marshals have been known to show up in the middle of the night to ensure the person who is supposed to be manning the watch is not asleep.  When a fire watch is mandatory your choices are 1) provide a certified fire watch or 2) the fire marshal can require a fire truck be parked in your parking lot with you responsible for all charges. (usually starting at $500 per 8 hour shift) Don’t get caught in a sticky situation, let us help you adhere to the law.

During holidays, many businesses like having a security officer available to make their customers feel safer.  Our officers can patrol your parking lot to help prevent muggings, vandalism, and theft.  If having an officer on your lot makes customers feel safer, they will gladly come into your store to shop vs any of the other parking lots where they must worry about being robbed. 

Task Force Security Group, LLC would be glad to speak with you regarding your needs for security.  Protection, prevention, and deterrence is what we are all about.